I'm also tired of the music on my itunes and through complete laziness I've lost a lot of old music, so for anyone who is inclined, I'm requesting a mixed tape for my birthday. It would make my year. Thank you.
Let's get a profile shot...
"Pumpkin Pie Rests" (composition by Laura)
Okay, well that's enough boasting and pie talk for one day. Two more important holiday events await us before the year wraps up. I know I am not always the best at keeping up with people, but I do love you all and wish you all the best at the end of this year and much more in the coming year. Be safe, eat with joy, Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
We had dinner at Sylvia's, the famous soul food restaurant in Harlem. It was a wonderful time. I ate fried chicken, collard greens and mac and cheese. It was tempting to eat as much as possible, but Don, Lia's dad, spoke so highly of the peach cobbler I knew I had to save myself. I used my deep mental powers to excercise restraint. Lia took a different approach, keeping one eye on her plate and the other on Pete's.
328 Lenox Avenue
New York, NY 10027
(212) 996-0606
email: info@sylviasrestaurant.com
It's a Ouija board!
As you can see it's custom made with color detail. You're not getting a work of art like this from Hasboro, that's for sure. So should you skip Creatures of the Forest 2010?