Friday, January 29, 2010
Do as I do

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Haiti Benefit: Amazing, even without Cold War Kids
Without being too cheesy, I have to say there was a really beautiful spirit at last night's concert. The venue was sold out and aside from the silent auction, Bell House raised $35,000.00 for Save the Children and Partners in Health. I missed the first hour or so because I had to stop by my place, but got there in time to see Jimmy Fallon do a Neil Young impression. Then Freelance Whales played. You all should check them out. They're getting crazy attention right now and they are based out of Queens. Now that's special! Anyway, it was good times all around. Cat Power and Pavement records and CDs were given away for trivia knowledge, Ted Leo who also has shows in town, was adorable and even though Cold War Kids pulled out of the show, the Walkmen did an amazing job closing the show.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Early February Concerts: Morning Benders, Xylos, La Strada and More
I will probably catch Xylos, since I haven't seen them since early summer and if I get the chance, La Strada at The Bell House. One of the best concerts I went to last year was seeing them there with the Black Hollies. The space was perfect for them, totally old worldy, big and romantic. It was so fun to see BH give a tight high energy performance. Their drummer was so good it was nuts and then to finish with La Strada and happy dancing couples taking up the floor. It was a very good night.
Anyway, I will be back with more news and dates soon.
2/4 9:30pm Cold Cave and Nite Jewel, Mercury Lounge $12
2/6 7pm Screaming Females , Jeff the Brotherhood Bowery Ballroom $13a/$15d
2/6 TBA Class Actress and Morning Benders Glasslands TBA
2/9 8pm Xylos , Dinosaur Feathers, also with Blair and Sydney Wayser Pianos $5
Note: This line up is very cohesive, but leans too much into pretty feminine twinkly music with Blair and Sydney, but that might be your thing--and for $5 Xylos and Dinosaur Feathers are more than worth it.
2/12 7:30pm The Watson Twins and La Strada The Bell House $10a/$12d
2/13 8pm Magnetic Fields BAM $25
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Pitchfork Loves Boat too!
What Say You about The Morning Benders?
This is their myspace.
If you Dig Iron and Wine Check these Guys Out
I think you should check the following guys out. The last band is a project of my friend the very sweet David West.
Horse Feathers "Curs in the Weeds"
Sufjan Stevens "For the Windows in Paradise..."
My Light Sweet Fire "Airline"
My Light Sweet Fire is playing this Thursday, the 28th at Side Walk Cafe, for more inforamtion go to their MySpace.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Rain Machine and Antipop Consortium at BAM 1/30/10
Not everyone loves TV on the Radio. Bryan and Steve made fun of me for listening to them. Truth is though, a lot of people do. The lead singer, who I just found out is named Kyp Malone has a side project called Rain Machine. I think it's okay, not totally my thing, but worth checking out. Turns out he's going to be playing on Saturday the 30th with Antipop Consortium who I also don't know a lot about, but whose "New York to Tokyo" I dig. I know that's the day of Creatures of the Forest, but if you want to check this out, you totally should (and then stop by!).
Hey all, I'll be there. How about you? Lot's of good acts. Some of my favorite: Ted Leo, Cold War Kids and Nicole Atkins. Go to Brooklyn Vegan for the details.
6 PM
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
I Made Ramen and I Killed It; You Can Too (Maybe)


Saturday, January 16, 2010
One More from Waiting for G

Sober words, no?
Why, however, is it that these rules of thumb get thrown out the window when a certain melange of alcohol and nostalgia become the puppet masters of tap, tap, tapping finger pads?
Here's the thing though, the content in those messages that slip through are not necessarily bad to get out, but one must know one's audience. A certain regret drizzles through your head the next morning when you realize you have wasted your words on stopped up ears.
Today I went for a walk and I came across a book of abridged Freud essays. I really enjoyed the seminar I took on Freud in grad school, so I stopped. I opened to a passage about some conference, German words, skip, skip..."Wait is this book in English?" I thought. My vision scrolled down and my language returned, but it was still of little interest. I opened to another place, where the binding had come undone. It seemed the owner had opened to this place repeatedly. It was a passage about hysterical women. The prevailing view of Freud, if you don't know, is that he was a misogynist. His writing on hysterical women is a great example of him at his worst.
In the passage he talked about how the physical behavior of hysterical women was actually an expression of a psychic drama. The behavior seems so aberrant to the common observer because they are watching a woman play two roles at once. Imagine you role played those conversations you have in your head with the imaginary version of a person who ticked you off. Of course, in this pretend conversation you've got a real zinger to zap him right up the crapper. Anyway, the line between sanity and hysteria is having the self-restraint to not play that out physically.
Why does the woman feel a compulsion to freak out? Well, according to F sexual energy needs to be released, but repression prevents the woman from a healthy release of energy so it comes out like that.
Drunk dialing is somewhat like that. One makes the rational decision that one will not extend one's energy into avenues that have proven unhelpful or even harmful. Yet, there's a reason you went down that road at some point and the memory of what originally took you there drives you to want to go back.
As long as one has good judgement the road remains blocked off. Alcohol, though, is an agent that removes the roadblock, so you go trotting down that path again. How can one avoid this? I think in some ways by acknowledging that desire to go down that road in the first place, before you put yourself in a vulnerable position. One can say one will just not get drunk again, but if one is like this one, some night of too little dinner and one drink too many will undo weeks, even months of this resolution. The point is not to avoid all types of vulnerability, but to find a way to live with and express that energy.
One must become a sculptor of desire and love and passion, possibly even hate. The materials are really incredible if you think about it.
Anyway, one way to look at the finger tapping faux pas is that it was a BIG mistake and whatever it was IS OVER. You are done with that point and need to move to the next.
That's one way to look at it, but it's a very punctual perspective; it loses the space between.
This right here, right now, is an ode to the space between. It is a 'here here' to the fact that something sparked an electric vibration in the soul. Go make something thing with it. Thank the universe that you have the divine inspiration of being affected by another person. Don't leave it swarming inside so that it comes out when you are least able to make it beautiful.
Friday, January 15, 2010
If You're Curious about Waiting for G

Thursday, January 14, 2010
Bye Bye to 275

Anyhow, back to the topic at hand. I wanted to post pictures of my office before we moved. I wanted to share my space with you guys because I always mention how I work alone in a room. Sounds terrible but it hasn't been all too bad. It seems pretty pointless now though, because I've taken everything down that kept it from being anonymous, so instead I'm sharing the view from my window. The woman you see is the lady that watched over me while I worked. My stone companion. Goodbye beautiful lady. Don't get too cold out there.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Pitchfork talks to The XX
Petunia Beats: Drink Up Butter Cup Video, Concert Dates and Free Mixed Tape at Insound

Anyhow, what I'm posting today is a holdover from yesterday. Drink Up Butter Cup, a band out of Philly that I really like is playing a concert this Thursday the 14th at Cake Shop and Friday the 15th at the Bell House in Gowanus. They rock so hard and oh so good. I've been to a few of their concerts and the last one I went to, at Union Hall, they got off the stage and did their last song in a circle right in the middle of the crowd and all they used as instruments were drum sticks and the tops of garbage cans. It was so much fun! Anyway, if you're free you should totally go see them. Also, the Bell House is a pretty sweet venue. I am always looking for an excuse to go back and if I can swing it, maybe I'll see you there.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Go to NPR to Hear Spoon's New Record!

As for the concert it was kind of lame for me. We got there so late I was too short to see anything and Spoon was already in the middle of their set. They're coming back to the city though and I hear that they are playing at Radio City Music Hall. If you're a spoony (and I am in every sense of the word), go to NPR to listen to their new album 'Transference.' They'll have their new record up for free for a week before the record is officially released January 19th. For tour dates and more info on Spoon go The Alternate Side.
Iron and Wine covers Wild Horses

When you get to The Hype Machine click on the arrow at the bottom of the page to play it. It's not in the most obvious place.
Ta ta Tuesday
So perhaps out of laziness, or because I had planned on posting this all along, I'm putting up my birthday invite it seems fitting since it is a common theme on the blog these days. What am I going to plan for after January? I'm taking suggestions people!
Not so long ago we bid a decade a dieu:
goodbye to ten, hello to new.
When twelve kissed one, time dashed forward--
yet like thread, merely circled over.
And so darn thread darns through every day
until one will be only what we knew.
But this beginning for all is to every one again,
new again, so...
on the eve of its end, when its glow may be dim,
come revel with me on my brand new year
with the same electric glee
as when this first month was wee.
Costume party: Creatures of the Forest
Why? My birthday
When? January 30th (Saturday) 8pm
Where? Lulu's (Greenpoint)
Dress code? No limits (Get crazy )

Monday, January 11, 2010
Have you checked out 'Brothersport' music video yet?
This is your inspiration.
The song, by YACHT, gives this great narrative of living in these imaginary awsome cities. The video is also somewhat apropos since I myself have been feeling both the dark and bright spots of the burgeoning year. Anyway, the song is great. I hope you find it inspiring too. I wish my kitchen would bake me a cake!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
BOAT update! See 'Name Tossers' video here!!!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Youtube binging on E. Smith

Thursday, January 7, 2010
Gougelet's Scarf

Anyway, if you remind me what your birthdate is and tell me what you want I'll do my best to knit it up and get it to you. I'll need a mailing address from those of you outside of NYC.
I only ask that you think hard before you ask for a scarf. I'm a bit tired of knitting scarfs. I can make all sorts of things! You could have mittens, or slippers, or a hat or even a sweater, so let me know. I love doing it!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
This is my pulse: part II
Monday, January 4, 2010
This is my pulse
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Cat Crazy

I am on record as saying some bat-crazy things involving my cat. For example, a few weeks ago this came out of my mouth with complete sincerity, "I believe my cat might have been a human I knew in a past life," which I tempered by saying, "I also think I might have been an antelope in a past life, I can feel it when I run. I feel like an animal." Nuts? Un peu. It's not that I'm willing to bet my life on these claims. It's more like eccentric ideas I wish were the case. After all, my parents do ask about Ada, the feline I am speaking of, as if she were my life partner.